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But I shall tell you what is written in the book of truth. No one supports me against these except Michael, your prince. (Daniel 10:21)

PDF Messages

The messages are now available online as individual messages, which also allows search to work. Other ways of viewing the individual messages include using the Archives at the bottom of the page, or view by tag, or browse the postings.

Individual Messages for 2010
Individual Messages for 2011
Individual Messages for 2012
Individual Messages for 2013
Individual Messages for 2014
Individual Messages for 2015

You can also download each year’s worth of messages in PDF files, or all messages in one huge PDF file, as shown below.

Book of Truth Messages in 2010 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages in 2011 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages in 2012 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages in 2013 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages in 2014 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages in 2015 in PDF format
Book of Truth Messages for All Years in PDF format (huge file)

Please download / copy all the messages.


Book of Truth Messages for All Years
Title: Book of Truth Messages for All Years (1125 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_all.pdf
Size: 7 MB
Book of Truth Messages in 2010
Title: Book of Truth Messages in 2010 (530 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_2010.pdf
Size: 156 KB
Book of Truth Messages in 2011
Title: Book of Truth Messages in 2011 (535 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_2011.pdf
Size: 602 KB
Book of Truth Messages in 2012
Title: Book of Truth Messages in 2012 (540 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_2012.pdf
Size: 892 KB
Book of Truth Messages in 2013
Title: Book of Truth Messages in 2013 (527 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_2013.pdf
Size: 873 KB
Book of Truth Messages in 2014
Title: Book of Truth Messages in 2014 (555 clicks)
Filename: book_of_truth_messages_2014.pdf
Size: 807 KB