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The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of Catholicism

The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of Catholicism

Friday, 3 May 2013 @ 18:15
Message 781
My dearly beloved daughter, the diabolical plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within is already taking place.
Everything sacred to God will be thrown aside, and those heads of the newly renovated, modern Church, soon to be presented for all to see, will be liberal in their views but they will be enemies of the truth.
The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of catholicism.
Many Christians will say, what has this to do with me?
When My Church, founded by my Apostle Peter, is dismantled in this way, it will affect all those who follow me.
When My Word and My Teachings are taken apart and then made acceptable to the selfish needs of man, even though they be lies, they will, in time, be deemed to be the truth.
The lies, presented to the world because of the diabolical infestation, will be treated by all Christian Churches as being acceptable in their eyes.
Not one Christian Church will escape this attack – an attack, which has been deliberately and carefully planned for over a century.
Make no mistake, when My Word is tampered with, the truth will be torn asunder.
Lies infest the soul.
When this happens, people will, unwittingly, follow a path which will end in despair.
I urge all who listen to me now, to keep focussed on the truth at all must not accept any changes which you will be asked to accept as part of a new Church, which does not come from me.
Your Jesus


The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of Catholicism – MDM Last Prophet