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July 2015

Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God‘s Message for the world

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God‘s Message for the world Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up. When I doubt, enlighten me. When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love. When I criticise, help me to remain silent.…

Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (103) To share the Cup of Suffering with Christ Recite this, three times, when you can, but preferably during any time of fasting: I lay before You, dear Jesus, and at Your Feet to do what you will with me for the good…

Crusade Prayer (101) Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (101) Miracle Prayer to feel the Presence of Jesus O Dear Almighty Father, Creator of all that is and will be, help all of us who can recognise the Presence of Your beloved Son in the Church today, to become very strong. Help…

Crusade Prayer (100) For the survival of Christianity

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (100) For the survival of Christianity O dear Jesus, we beg You for the skills to survive the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his Mission for You. Help us to sustain the terrible abuse we will now have…

Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (99) For the Salvation of Australia and New Zealand O God, the Almighty Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, have Mercy on all of your children in Australia and New Zealand. Forgive us our rejection of Your Holy Word.…

Crusade Prayer (98) For the Grace of God to cover world leaders

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (98) For the Grace of God to cover world leaders O my Blessed Mother of Salvation, please ask your Son to pour out His Graces and Love over those leaders who control the world. Pray that the Light of God will cure them…

Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice. Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by…

Crusade Prayer (91) Keep me true to my Faith

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (91) Keep me true to my Faith O Blessed Mother of Salvation, protect me in my hour of need, when I am confronted with evil. Help me to defend the Word of God with strength and courage, without any fear in my soul.…

Crusade Prayer (97) To unite Crusade Prayer Groups

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (97) To unite Crusade Prayer Groups O beloved Mother of Salvation, I implore you to unite, through your prayers, all of God‘s Remnant Army,throughout the world. Cover all Crusade Prayer Groups with the Grace of Salvation, poured out upon us, through the Mercy…

Crusade Prayer (96) To Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (96) To Bless and Protect our Crusade Prayer Group O my dearest Jesus, please bless and protect us, Your Crusade Prayer Group, so that we become immune to the wicked assaults of the devil, and to any evil spirits, which may torment us…

July 2015 – Page 8 – MDM Last Prophet