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July 2015

Crusade Prayer (83) For the Mitigation of Chastisements

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (83) For the Mitigation of Chastisements O dear Father, God the Most High, we, your poor children, prostrate ourselves before Your Glorious Throne in Heaven. We beg You to rid the world of evil. We implore Your Mercy for the souls of those…

Crusade Prayer (82) For the Victory of the Remnant Church

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (82) For the Victory of the Remnant Church Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all. Help us to gain the strength, and the confidence, to stand…

Crusade Prayer (81) For the Gift of the Holy Communion

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (81) For the Gift of the Holy Communion O Heavenly Host fill my body with the nourishment it needs. Fill my soul with the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ. Give me the graces to fulfil the Holy Will of God. Fill me with…

Crusade Prayer (80) For the souls of those who commit murder

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (80) For the souls of those who commit murder O dear Jesus, I beg for Mercy for those who commit murder. I urge for clemency for those in mortal sin. I offer my own suffering and difficulties over to You, so that You…

Crusade Prayer (79) For 2 Billion Lost Souls

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (79) For 2 Billion Lost Souls O Dear Jesus I beg You to pour Your Mercy over the lost souls. Forgive them their rejection of You and use my prayer and suffering so You can, through Your Mercy, pour over them the Graces…

Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan. Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways. I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with…

Crusade Prayer (77) For Great Britain

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (77) For Great Britain O Most Heavenly Father, God the Creator of man, please hear my prayer. I beg You to save Britain from the clutches of evil and dictatorship. I ask that You unite all of us, of all religions, creed and…

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (70) To remain firm and true to the Holy Word of God

Jul 12, 2015

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (70) To remain firm and true to the Holy Word of God Oh Dear Jesus help Your Sacred Servants to recognize the schism within Your Church as it unfolds. Help Your Sacred Servants to remain firm and true to Your Holy…

Crusade Prayer (76) The Atheist Prayer

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (76) The Atheist Prayer Jesus help me to accept the Love of God as it is being shown to me. Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and my soul so that I can be saved. Help me to believe by filling my…

Crusade Prayer (75) I assign My Pain to You dear Jesus

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (75) I assign My Pain to You dear Jesus Jesus I assign my pain and suffering to that which You suffered during Your Agony on Calvary. For every insult I endure, I offer it to You. For every abuse and verbal onslaught I…

July 2015 – Page 10 – MDM Last Prophet