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July 2015

Crusade Prayer (74) For Gift of Discernment

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (74) For Gift of Discernment O Mother of God, help me to prepare my soul for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Take me as a child, by the hand, and lead me on the road towards the gift of discernment through the…

Crusade Prayer (73) Pray for Young souls, Young Children

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (73) Pray for Young souls, Young Children Oh Jesus help me to save the souls of young people all over the world. By Your grace help them to see the truth of Your existence. Bring them to Your Sacred Heart and open their…

Crusade Prayer (72) The Disciple's Prayer

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (72) The Disciple's Prayer Dear Jesus I am ready to spread your Holy Word. Give me the courage, the strength and the knowledge to impart the Truth so that as many souls as possible can be brought to You. Take me into your…

Crusade Prayer (71) Prayer to save us from the persecution

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (71) Prayer to save us from the persecution Oh Jesus, save God’s children from the Antichrist. Protect us from the plans to control the earth. Lord, save us from the persecution. Protect dark souls from the Antichrist so that they can be redeemed…

Crusade Prayer (69) Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (69) Prayer to God the Father to accept His Divine Will God the Almighty Father I accept Your Divine Will Help Your children to accept it. Stop Satan from denying Your children’s right to their Father’s Inheritance. Never let us give up the…

Crusade Prayer (68) Protect me from the influence of Satan

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (68) Protect me from the influence of Satan Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, Cover me with your most holy mantle and protect my family from the influence of Satan and his fallen angels. Help me to trust in the Divine Mercy of…

Crusade Prayer (67) Keep my children safe from the king of lies

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (67) Keep my children safe from the king of lies Please dear Jesus I ask you to keep my children safe from the King of Lies. I consecrate these children (name them) to your Sacred Heart and ask that through the cloak of…

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (66) Help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word

Jul 12, 2015

For Clergy: Crusade Prayer (66) Help me to remain true to Your Most Holy Word Oh Dear Jesus help me to remain true to Your most Holy Word at all times. Give me the strength to uphold the Truth of your Church in the face…

Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin Oh Dear Jesus, Savior of mankind, through Your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during The Warning. Forgive them their sins and in…

Crusade Prayer (64) Save my brothers and sisters

Jul 12, 2015

Crusade Prayer (64) Save my brothers and sisters Oh my dearest Savior Jesus Christ, accept my gift of prayer and sacrifices to help save my brothers and sisters from the prison of darkness they are in. Allow me to help salvage their souls. I beg…

July 2015 – Page 11 – MDM Last Prophet